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Saturday, 22 November 2014

Java Program on InsertionSort

      public class InsertionSort
     * Sorts the given list in place.
     * Worst Case Performance O(n^2)
     * Best Case Performance O(n)
     * Average Case Performance O(n^2)
     * @param list - int array that you want to sort.
     public static void sortNumbers(int[] list)
       //go through the list of the numbers, starting with number two (we say that number one is already sorted)
       for (int i=1; i< list.length -1; i++)
         //store the value of the number we are dealing with (because it's place can be taken by other bigger numbers)
         int value = list[i];
         //define j (its a pointer to the already sorted list, starting at the largest number - back of the sorted list)
         int j = i-1;
         //as long as value is lower than the number in sorted list and we are still in the list
         while (j >= 0 && list[j] > value)
           // we are going to move the higher number(from the sorted list) one step to the right (so it will make space for the current value number - witch is lower)
           list[j+1] = list[j];
           //and we move our pointer in the list to next place - lower number
         //once we come to the right spot, we insert our value number in there and start with next i value.
         list[j+1] = value;

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