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Saturday, 22 November 2014

Java Program on HeapSort

         public class HeapSort
     private static int heapSize; //this will help us to stop sorting list numbers that are already sorted.
     * Sorts the given list in place.
     * Worst Case Performance O(nlogn)
     * Best Case Performance O(nlogn)
     * Average Case Performance O(nlogn)
     * @param A - list that needs to be sorted.
     public void sortNumbers(int[] A)
     * Read sortNumbers method description.
     * @param A - list that needs to be sorted.
     private void HeapSort(int[] A)
       heapSize = A.length; //we need to sort all the list so heapSize == A.length
       BuildMaxHeap(A); //first we build max heap
       //now we have the biggest element in the heap on the top
       //we will exchange it with the last element in the list
       //reduce heapSize so this (biggest) element wont be sorted anymore
       //and we will call MaxHeapify once again to get new biggest element on the top
       //and once again we place it at the current end of the list, we do it all the way
       //til we will have only one element left in the heap (which will be the lowest number)
       //this way our array will get sorted, from smallest (at the start of the list) to biggest (at the end of the list).
       for (int i = A.length-1; i>0; i--)
         //exchange biggest number with the current last one
         int temp = A[0];
         A[0] = A[i];
         A[i] = temp;
         //reduce the heap size
         //find new biggest
     * Builds MaxHeap (runs in linear time so: O(n) )
     * if n = amount of numbers in the list, then n/2 = amount of leaves (nodes that have no children)
     * We need to call MaxHeapify from bottom and up, but we can skip all leaves so we start at index = n/2 and go up.
     * @param A - list that we will build MaxHeap of.
     private void BuildMaxHeap(int[] A)
       for(int i = A.length/2-1;i>=0;i--)
         MaxHeapify(A, i);
     * Takes O(logn) or we can also say that if subtree with root at index i has height of h
     * then running time of algorithm is O(h) (note that a binary tree with n elements has height = logn)
     * Sorts the array at the given index so that subtree meets heap requirements.
     * @param A array list
     * @param i index of the root of subtree that might be smaller than its children.
     private void MaxHeapify(int[] A, int i)
       int l = Left(i); //lets find left child of the given index.
       int r = Right(i);//lets find right child of the given index.
       int max;
       if (l < heapSize)
         //lets check if left child is an existing child
         //if it is an existing child
         if (A[l] > A[i])
           //if left child is bigger than parent
           max = l; //left child becomes maximum
           max = i; //otherwise parent is maximum
         //if this index does not have left child
         max = i;
       if (r < heapSize)
         //lets check if the right child is an existing child
         //if it is existing child
         if(A[r] > A[max])
           //if right child is bigger than our current maximum
           max = r; //right child becomes our new maximum
       if (max != i)
         //if our parent is not maximum
         //we need to swap max with parent
         int temp = A[i];
         A[i] = A[max];
         A[max] = temp;
         //at the end we need to run MinHeapify on the child that was just swapped
         //and see if it is supposed to go even further down the list
         MaxHeapify(A, max);
     * Returns Left child index of the given parent index.
     * @param i - parent index.
     * @return - index of parents left child.
     private int Left(int i)
       return 2 * i;
     * Returns Right child index of the given parent index.
     * @param i - parent index.
     * @return - index of parents right child.
     private int Right(int i)
       return (2 * i) + 1;
     * Just for testing purposes.
     public static void main(String[] args)
       int[] list = {156,344,54,546,767,23,34,64,234,654,234,

       HeapSort hs = new HeapSort();
       for (int i = 0;i < list.length;i++)

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